樸炫州老師,劍橋國際高級講師,荷蘭海牙大學國際法與歐盟法學士(HBO-Rechten Equals Laws of De Haagse Hogeschool,the Hague University of Applied Science)。在大學期間,作為波蘭代表參加第三屆海牙和平模擬會議,參加前南斯拉夫刑事法庭中國法官劉大群法官國際刑法講座,兩次擔任國際法庭模擬法庭英文賽法庭書記員,同時也有在阿姆斯特丹難民營的志愿者經歷,在位于荷蘭的野生動物正義委員會中擔任六個月的實習生,參與證據整理,翻譯還有法律檢索的。也曾擔任荔枝電臺主播,講解歐美電視劇以及西方文化,節(jié)目擁有粉絲1.7萬,總播放量超過120萬。作為法學院畢業(yè)生,對于英語用詞考究,精準,對于語言把控和駕馭能力極強,同時,作為歐美劇電臺主播以及生活在荷蘭四年,到訪過十幾個西方國家的影視劇迷,對于英語十分本土口語化的詞匯也很熟悉。教學風格幽默,融入了諸多影視劇經典橋段以及歐美國家的文化元素,讓學生不僅英語,同時真正能夠將英語作為工具,得心應手的運用在日常生活中。Alan is a senior lecturer in Cambridge Global Education.He graduated from The Hague University of Applied Science(THU),majoring International Law and European Law.When he was in law school,he participated the third Hague model peace conference as the delegate of Poland,attended lectures of the Chinese Judge of International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslavia,Daqun Liu,about international criminal law,volunteered to work in refugee camp in Amsterdam and had 6 month internship experience in Wildlife Justice Commission(WJC).He was also a broadcasting anchor in a show about western TV series and cultures and owned more than 17 thousands followers and 1.2 millions amount of plays.As a law student and western culture broadcasting show anchor,he is a master of both official and colloquial use of English.He always puts classic plots in western movies and TV series,as well as introduction of different western culture in his class so his students are able to actually use English as a tool in their real life.
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